Have you consider adding roses to your landscape? A small rose flower garden collection would be a colorful theme to you front or back yard. Below are some tips on how to get started.
When picking roses for your rose flower garden collection. Think about what you want your rose collection to be like. Think about what you want your rose collection to represent. Also, think about the required care and if you can handle the responsibility.
-Go to a local reputable greenhouse for roses.
-Check for diseased leaves (if there are any leaves on the canes).Check for dark and crusty coloration on the canes of roses before purchase.
-Read label carefully for type, growth height, and care before purchase.
-Before planting. Dig a medium to large size hole and place bone meal or aspirin in the hole Saturate with water.
-Place rose bush in hole and cover with dirt.
-Sprinkle a little bone meal on the top of the soil around rose bush. Saturate with water.
-You should see progress of your rose garden collection within three weeks.
-Keep your rose garden collection looking beautiful by purchaing Bayer Advance insecticide products for small critters and Japanese beetles.
-Spray rose bushes with insecticide products every two weeks. Cover buds and leaves. Don't saturate with insecticide.
-Water rose garden twice a week if it has not rained in your area.
-Feed rose flower garden with bone meal once a week or once every two weeks depending on the progress of your roses.
I hope this article has been helpful. Happy Gardening!
For more flower garden advice and tips read article Easy Landscape Design
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=L_R_Turner